C'mon, man! See here, Jack, literally, here's the deal with this Leviticus 20 thing. We got some serious no-malarkey rules in this chapter. I'm not joking around here. So, if a man takes his sister as a wife, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, that's a no-go, or uh, you know, it's a big no-no. My father used to say, you don't do that. Then, if a man has sexual relations with his aunt, that's a no-go too. He's gonna get put to death. Not gonna happen. Excuse me, but if a man marries both of a woman's daughters, it's a big no-no. Then, if a man has sexual relations with an animal, he has to die. What was that? He has to die. That's a no-go. Then, if a woman goes near an animal, she has to be put to death. I tell you what, folks, that's the deal with Leviticus 20. That's literally what it's about.