Folks! Listen, Jack. Here's the deal. Leviticus 10 is about the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu. These two priests made an offering to the Lord that wasn't according to the rules. So the Lord punished them and they were consumed by fire. Now, my father used to say, "If you want to sin, don't do it in the presence of the Lord!" So, it's pretty clear what happened here. C'mon, man! Then the Lord commanded Aaron and his sons to never drink alcohol when they went into the tabernacle. No malarkey! Then God told Aaron that he and his sons were to eat the holy offerings, but they weren't to eat the ones that had been burned. I'm not joking! God also commanded that Aaron's sons not defile the sanctuary with their strange fire. See here, Jack, that's what got them in trouble in the first place. And that's all there is to it. What was that? Oh, yeah. God also said that the priests and the people weren't allowed to mourn for Nadab and Abihu. Or uh, you know, it could bring a punishment on the rest of the nation. Not gonna happen! So remember, I tell you what, don't mess around with the Lord. Excuse me. He'll punish you if you do. Literally.