Listen, Jack, my father used to say the Lord is a jealous God and the Lord's instructions should be followed. 'Cause here's the deal, Leviticus 12 is all about childbirth, and it tells us that when a woman gives birth to a son, she is considered unclean for seven days, and for 33 days if she gives birth to a daughter. And I'm not joking, c'mon man, she has to go through a purification process before she can enter the tabernacle. Excuse me, no malarkey, uh, you know she has to bring a lamb as a burnt offering and a pigeon or a turtledove as a sin offering. See here, Jack, what was that? Oh yeah, if she can't afford a lamb, then she's allowed to bring two turtledoves or two pigeons. Literally, it's an offering of thanksgiving. And I tell you what, if she gives birth to a son, then she is unclean for seven days, and then she has to wait another 33 days before she can be purified. It's a long wait! Not gonna happen. But folks, the Lord is merciful and he gives us grace.