Folks, listen here, I'm gonna tell you about Leviticus 9. My father used to say, "No malarkey, Joe, this is important." So here's the deal: On the eighth day of the consecration ceremony, Aaron and his sons got all dolled up in their priestly garments and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. Literally, Aaron lifted his hands and blessed the people. Then the glory of the Lord appeared and fire came out from the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. C'mon, man, it was like something out of a movie – everyone was in awe! Then Aaron lifted his hands a second time and blessed the people, and the glory of the Lord appeared again. See here, Jack, it was a pretty amazing moment. But then, what was that? Aaron and his sons had to make a sin offering, and a young bull was chosen as the offering. Excuse me, but it was a solemn moment, you know? Or uh, you know, that's what my father used to say. I'm not joking – Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the young bull and killed it, then they sprinkled its blood around the altar. Then they cut the bull into pieces and burned it on the altar, and the Lord accepted the offering. This is how it was done in those days, folks - no malarkey. I tell you what, not gonna happen in our lifetime.