Folks, listen here, Jack. No malarkey. My father used to say the Bible's a book of laws. And here's the deal, the folks at Leviticus, they got the right idea. They said, "You want to give a burnt offering to the Lord? That's great. Here's what you do." See here, Jack, you gotta take an animal from your herd, your flock, or from the birds. Literally, you can take a bull, a sheep, a goat, a turtledove, or a young pigeon. I'm not joking. Then you gotta take it to the priest, and the priest takes it and kills it, and then he offers it up as a burnt offering. What was that? Oh, right. And then the priest takes some of the blood and puts it on the altar. And then he takes the fat, the kidneys and the fatty tail, and he offers that up as a fire offering. Or uh, you know, he takes the wings and the breast, and he offers that up as a peace offering. That's the deal. Not gonna happen any other way. I tell you what, if you do it like that, you'll be good to go. Excuse me.