Listen, Jack, I tell you what, this is a real doozy of a chapter here, folks. Here's the deal: Moses is literally commanded by God to set up a Tabernacle, and he does it. No malarkey! He follows God's instructions down to the letter. I'm not joking! He arranges the furniture inside the Tabernacle, puts up the curtains, and sets up the altar for burning incense. My father used to say, "God's word is like a hammer, it shall not return to him void." See here, Jack, and I'm not even exaggerating, God makes a cloud come down and fill the Tabernacle. What was that? Or uh, you know, kind of like a divine fog machine, if you will. Not gonna happen in any ordinary place, I tell you what. And I'm not joking, it only lifts when God tells it to. That's what I call a real miracle, excuse me. We're talking about a few thousand years ago here, folks. C'mon, man!