C'mon, man! Here's the deal. Listen, Jack. Back in the day -- and I'm not joking -- Moses, he was a real hero. See here, Jack, his parents -- his mom, his dad -- they knew he was special, so they hid him in a basket and sent him down the river. No malarkey! My father used to say, "When a baby's born, you never know what's gonna happen." He was right about that. Anyways, this Pharaoh thought he was a goner, but God had other plans. What was that? Pharaoh's daughter found him and took him in as her own. Or uh, you know, she adopted him. She knew he was special, and she wanted to give him a good home. But Pharaoh -- he didn't want Moses around. Not gonna happen. He wanted to get rid of him, but God made sure that didn't happen. I tell you what, Moses had a long journey ahead of him, but he was up for the challenge. Excuse me, he was literally meant for greatness.