Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, thousands of years ago, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and the Lord said, "See here, Jack, I'm gonna send an angel before you and I'll take you to a land that's flowing with milk and honey. But c'mon, man, I want you to be careful, because the people there are wicked and uh, you know, I don't want you to mix with them. My father used to say, 'you gotta be strong and courageous!'" So, no malarkey, the Lord told Moses to go up the mountain and He'd give him the Ten Commandments. Literally. So Moses went up, and the Lord said, "What was that? I want you to give My people a new name, and I'll make a covenant with them. But no way, no how, is it gonna happen if they don't keep My commandments, so'ts what I'm tellin' ya." And then the Lord said, "Listen, Jack, I'm gonna be with you, and I'll give you peace. Excuse me, I'm not foolin' around, if you'll obey me, I'll treat you as my own people." So, I tell you what, that's what happened in Exodus 33.