Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I'm not gonna lie to ya. My father used to say that you should never forget what happened in Exodus 34. I'm not even joking, folks. It was a time of great miracles and wonders, literally. See here, Jack, God showed Moses his glory, and then he gave him the Ten Commandments, no malarkey. Then, because the people were so wicked, God told them he was gonna destroy them. But Moses, being the incredible leader he was, interceded on their behalf. He begged and pleaded with God to spare them, but God said "or uh, you know, not gonna happen". So then Moses said, "excuse me, but what was that? If you're gonna destroy them, then at least do it in such a way that your name will be praised". And, c'mon man, guess what? God listened, and instead of destroying the people, he forgave them. That's right, folks. So I guess that's it, the story of Exodus 34. I tell you what, it's a story that's stuck with me since I was a kid and it's one that should never be forgotten.