[Peter Griffin] Hey there, folks! Welcome to this summary of Exodus 34. So, God tells Moses to cut two tablets of stone, just like the ones he smashed before. [Lois Griffin] Whoa, that's a bit extreme. [Peter] Yeah, but then God says he's gonna write the same commandments on 'em. [Brian Griffin] Wait a minute, so he's gonna rewrite everything he just said? [Peter] That's right, Brian. Ain't nobody gonna mess with these commandments. [Stewie Griffin] Oh, I get it. It's like that time the Simpsons did that one episode where the Krusty Krab got shut down by the health inspector, and then they had to repaint the interior and get new equipment before they could reopen. [Peter] Uhh... sure, Stewie. Anyway, God then says that he's gonna show Moses his glory, and tells him to take off his shoes 'cause he's standing on holy ground. [Lois] Wow, that's a bit intense. [Peter] Yeah, and then God proclaims his name, which is "The Lord, a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." [Brian] Wow, that's actually really nice. [Peter] Yeah, God's pretty cool. [Stewie] Yeah, and he's way better than the God in that new Zack Snyder movie.