Peter: Alright, so in the book of Exodus, Chapter One, the Israelite population has grown so large that the Pharaoh is worried they will take over. So he orders his people to put the Israelites into slavery and to kill all the baby boys.
Lois: Oh, that's horrible!
Stewie: Yeah, it's pretty rough. But then two midwives named Shiphrah and Puah refuse to kill the baby boys and so the Pharaoh orders all his people to kill the boys anyway.
Brian: Hey, that's a lot like what happened in the movie The Princess Bride.
Peter: Yeah, but in this story God intervenes and protects the Israelites. He even gives the midwives special favor for their bravery.
Lois: Wow, that's really inspiring.
Stewie: Yeah, it's pretty cool. But then the Pharaoh orders a new plan to have every male baby thrown into the Nile River, and that's when Moses is born.
Brian: Wait, isn't Moses the one who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
Peter: You got it! His mom hides him in a basket and puts him in the river and then Pharaoh's daughter finds him and decides to raise him as her own.
Lois: Awww, that's so sweet.
Stewie: Yeah, and then God uses Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and that's the end of Chapter One.
Peter: And that's the story of Exodus, Chapter One. Now let's see what happens in Chapter Two.