Peter: Alright folks, we're talkin' about Exodus 7. So, God tells Moses that he's gotta go to Pharaoh and get him to let the Hebrews go free. But Pharaoh's like, "No way, man." So God sends a bunch of plagues to Pharaoh, like frogs and locusts and hail and stuff. Uh, then Pharaoh's like, "OK, fine. You can go." But then he changes his mind, and chases after the Hebrews with all his army. But then God saves the day by parting the Red Sea, and the Hebrews get away.
Lois: Wow, that's wild!
Brian: Yeah, and the Pharaoh gets totally wiped out. It's like the end of "Independence Day," except without Will Smith.
Stewie: He was quite a pest,
Cleveland: And then Moses leads the Hebrews through the desert for forty years.
Quagmire: Forty years?! That's like watching all the "Star Wars" movies back to back!
Peter: Well, at least they got to their destination in the end.
Lois: Amen to that.