Peter: Alright, so in Exodus 21, God said if a slave is bought then the owner can't send him away empty-handed. He's gotta give him some of his bread and wine and a few of his clothes, just like when you get a new phone from Verizon and they give you a free t-shirt!
Lois: Also, if the slave has a wife and kids, those kids become slaves too, but the wife doesn't.
Stewie: But then the owner of the slave can decide to marry the slave's wife if he wants. It's like if you're a fan of the show Friends and then you find out that Joey and Rachel got married in the finale!
Brian: Oh, and if a man hurts his slave then the slave can go free. It's like if you buy a used car and then it breaks down and you can't get a refund.
Meg: Plus, if a person causes their slave to lose an eye or a tooth, then the slave can go free.
Peter: Wow, that's kinda like when you pop a balloon at a birthday party and the kid cries and you have to give them a lollipop to make them feel better!