Lois: Alright, so what'd we miss in Exodus 28?

Peter: Oh, not much. Just some instructions from God on how to make a priestly outfit. You know, the kind they wear when they sacrifice animals.

Lois: Ugh, that's gross.

Stewie: Sacrificing animals? Puh-leeze! Nobody does that anymore. They just order takeout.

Brian: Well, God also commanded that the priests wear special breastplates, and a rope-like belt that had bells and pom-poms on it.

Lois: That's so weird.

Peter: Yeah, and he said that whenever the priests entered the holy place, the bells would jingle like a Chuck E. Cheese pizza party.

Brian: And then God said they should make a special turban and a robe that had pomegranates sewn around the hem.

Lois: You know, I think I saw something like that in a Beyonce video once.

Stewie: Yeah, and then he gave instructions on how to make a special coat, with a bunch of different colors and designs.

Peter: Yeah, and then he said they had to make two special stones with his name on them, and they had to wear them on a special belt.

Lois: Wow, so much to remember.

Brian: I guess if you're a priest, you've got to look your best!