Peter: Alright, so in this chapter, God told Moses that he was gonna bring one last plague upon the Egyptians.

Stewie: Oh yeah, I heard about this. It was something about the firstborn son of every Egyptian family being killed, right?

Peter: Yeah, that's right. But God said he was gonna spare the Israelites, so they wouldn't have to worry about it.

Brian: Wait, so you're telling me that God actually killed all the firstborn sons of every Egyptian family? That's pretty messed up.

Lois: Brian, don't forget that Pharaoh was the one who refused to let the Israelites leave even after all the other plagues.

Peter: Yeah, so God made sure the Pharaoh knew that he was serious.

Stewie: Ha! And then after the plague was over, the Pharaoh finally told Moses to take his people and get out of there.

Brian: So, Moses and the Israelites left Egypt and headed to the Promised Land.

Lois: And that's how the Israelites got their freedom.

Peter: Yup, and that's what we call the Exodus.