Batman: “Quickly, Robin! We must hurry! We must read the summary of Exodus 11!”
Robin: “But why, Batman? What’s so important about this chapter?”
Batman: “We must tell the people about the Lord’s commandment to the people of Israel to leave Egypt and go to the Promised Land! In Exodus 11, God commanded Moses to warn Pharaoh of the plague of death that was to come upon Egypt.”
Joker: “Ha ha ha! What a joke! A plague of death? That’s rich.”
Batman: “Don’t be so sure, Joker. God also commanded that all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians would die, and that the Israelites’ firstborn sons would be spared.”
Joker: “This is getting too morbid for me.”
Robin: “But why, Batman? What’s the point of all this?”
Batman: “The point is, Robin, that this plague was a sign of God’s power and judgment. By sparing the Israelites, God showed His favor to them and set them apart from the Egyptians.”
Joker: “Sounds like a boring story.”
Batman: “It may be boring to you, Joker, but it is an important reminder that God is powerful and sovereign, and that He will protect those who are faithful to Him.”