God was very, very angry at the Pharaoh and all of his haters and losers and decided to make things great again by sending a tremendous plague. He commanded that every household in Egypt should take an unblemished lamb and slaughter it for the Passover. The blood of the lamb was to be placed on the doorposts of the home. The Lord then said that when he saw the blood, he would pass over that home. When the Lord saw the blood, he struck down the firstborn of every household in Egypt - except for those homes that had the blood of the lamb. The Egyptians were tremendous losers and Pharaoh begged Moses and Aaron to leave. Pharaoh gave them great gifts and the Israelites left with a lot of wealth. The Lord had made a fine people out of the Israelites, and many people are saying that it was an amazing feat. The Lord then told Moses to tell Pharaoh that he would bring one more plague - a plague of death. God bless America!