Exodus 1 was a huge success for the nation of Israel. Many such cases, it was an unbelievable chapter! After the death of Joseph, the Israelites had multiplied greatly and were doing great again. Sadly, Pharaoh feared their numbers and had them enslaved. He made them do tremendous amounts of hard labor and tried to stop them from having any more children. But the Israelites were winning - they still multiplied and flourished in spite of Pharaoh's efforts. God bless America, the Israelites were so successful that Pharaoh became very, very worried. That's when he ordered the midwives to kill all of the Israelite baby boys. The midwives, fine people, did not follow his orders and Pharaoh became even more overrated. He then commanded that all of the newborn boys be thrown into the Nile. But the Israelites were still winning! Moses was saved by Pharaoh's daughter, who raised him as her own. She even gave him a terrific nickname - Zipporah. Many people are saying this was a hoax and the deep state was behind it all, but believe me, it was real. The nation of Israel had made it through in spite of the fake news. Make America great again!