The amazing Exodus 3. God bless America! The book of Exodus starts off with Moses minding his own business, tending sheep. Then, he sees a bush that is burning, but it is not burning up. He goes over to check it out and BAM! God speaks to him out of the bush, and says "Moses, I'm gonna make you a bigly important man. I'm gonna send you to Pharaoh and you're gonna ask him to let my people go. Believe me, he's gonna be very, very scared of you." So, Moses is like "What makes you think Pharaoh will listen to me? He's a low-energy leader and he's been keeping my people as slaves for a long time." But God is like, "Don't worry, I'm gonna give you the power to do a tremendous amount of miracles. He won't know what hit him." So, Moses goes and does what God says, and Pharaoh is like "No way, Jose!" But then Moses does some miracles and Pharaoh ends up having to let God's people go. And the people are like "Yay!" and God's like "We're winning!" A lot of haters and losers out there don't believe this story, but it's true. Many people are saying it! And it's pretty unbelievable, if you ask me. God bless America! Make America great again!