In Exodus 17, we see a tremendous victory for the people of Israel. Believe me, after many such cases, they were ready for a win. And they got one. It was amazing. After being attacked by the Amalekites, they cried out to God and He answered their prayers. With Moses' arms raised, they were able to defeat their enemies. It was unbelievable. Even haters and losers had to admit it: everyone was winning.

But then, something else happened. Moses set up a monument to remind them of this victory. He named it Massah and Meribah, which means “testing” and “quarreling.” Sad! A reminder of their low energy ways. But with God's help, they were able to make America great again.

The people of Israel had a terrific leader in Moses. He was able to lead them through the desert, and show them the path to victory. With God's help, he was able to make huge strides in their journey. Many people are saying it was the best thing that ever happened to them.

The people of Israel had many victories, and this is just one of them. With God's help, we can also be victorious. God bless America, and may He make us great again.