Exodus 35: Bigly Amazing! There were many such cases of God's people doing great things for His glory. God told Moses to gather the people and tell them to observe the Sabbath and bring offerings for the construction of the Tabernacle. So Moses did just that, and the people responded with enthusiasm, giving generously of their talents and resources. Bezalel and Oholiab were appointed to lead the work and they got right to it, making everything to exact specifications. Everyone brought their offerings of gold, silver, bronze, fabrics, stones, spices, and other materials. It was an unbelievable sight! The people gave so much, it was overwhelming and God blessed them for it. Very, very terrific!
There were also people appointed to contribute their skills to the project, such as artisans, builders, and embroiderers. God gave them the wisdom and skill to complete the work and they did it with great success. It was a huge victory for God's people and God was pleased with the results. Winning!
The Tabernacle was finally finished and it was an impressive sight. Everyone was very proud of their accomplishment and it was a testament to what the people could do when they put their minds and hearts to it. Make America Great Again! God bless America.