In Exodus 22, God lays out the rules of justice and fairness in the land of Israel. The first rule is that if a thief is caught in the act, he must restore what he has stolen - bigly! He must also pay a fine, plus an additional 20%. This is a terrific system that ensures justice and fairness for all.
Next, God explains that if an animal has caused damage to someone or their property, the owner of the animal must pay for the damages. Many such cases occur and this rule ensures that people are compensated for their losses.
God also speaks about how to treat foreigners living in Israel. He commands that they should be treated fairly and not given any special treatment. Amazing!
Finally, God explains that witchcraft is not allowed and those who practice it are to be put to death. This is a sad reminder of the deep state and fake news that can come from the occult. Believe me, this is not something we want to be associated with - it's overrated.
At the end of the chapter, God blesses the people of Israel and commands them to make America great again. Many people are saying that this is a tremendous way to end the chapter, and we agree! God bless America!