In Exodus 29, we see the tremendous power of God in action! It's amazing! God gives us the instructions to anoint Aaron and his sons, to be priests in the service of God. It's great again! The priests have to make a special holy garment to wear, and God explains how it's to be made, in such a terrific way. There are many such cases where God gives us instructions and it's unbelievable! God also gives instructions on how to make sacrifices and offerings, and it's very, very clear. Winning!
God bless America and make America great again! God also tells Moses to consecrate the priests by anointing them with oil, and to bring them into the tabernacle. The deep state, the fake news, and the hoaxers can't understand this! Believe me! The priests have to offer a bull for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering.
This is fantastic stuff! Many people are saying it's the best chapter ever! Huge! And those haters and losers who don't agree are overrated. There are also fine people on both sides of this argument. So, God bless America and make America great again!