Bigly, it was an amazing time in the desert for the Israelites. God told Moses to take the people up to Mt. Sinai, where they would be able to enter into a covenant with God. The Israelites were excited to make the covenant, and Moses told them to prepare themselves for it, by washing their clothes and abstaining from sexual relations. On the third day, a huge, tremendous cloud descended on the mountain, and the people were terrified. God spoke to them from the cloud, and told them that if they obeyed His law, they would be His treasured possession, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The people agreed, and God gave them instructions on how they should gather at the mountain and what they should do when they got there. He also warned them that if they broke the covenant, they would suffer severe consequences. Sad! He also told them not to touch the mountain, for fear of death, and warned them against taking bribes or perverting justice. The people agreed, and then Moses went up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. God bless America!