Listen, Jack, here's the deal. God told Moses to tell the Israelites that they were literally gonna be his special people. C'mon, man! He promised they'd be holy and they'd have special privileges no other people had. My father used to say, "If God's on your side, you can do anything!" So, the people said yes and God said no malarkey. See here, Jack, He said that He'd give them the Ten Commandments and they'd have to obey those laws. I'm not joking, folks! They'd have to be pure in all their actions. What was that? Oh, and they had to wash their clothes and stay away from certain unclean things or uh, you know, God would get angry. Not gonna happen! I tell you what, if they did all that, God promised to bless them and protect them. Excuse me, He said that He'd be their God and they'd be His people.