Folks, here's the deal: God told Moses to go back to Egypt and free the Israelites from slavery. God said that he would give Moses all the signs he needed to prove who he was. So Moses took his brother Aaron and went to meet Pharaoh. C'mon, man! Moses was so scared he asked God to send someone else. But God said, literally, no malarkey, Moses would have to do it himself. So Moses took his staff and went to Pharaoh. He said, see here, Jack, God has sent me here to free the Israelites. But Pharaoh wasn't buying it. Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a snake. Pharaoh's magicians did the same thing, but then God made Moses' snake swallow up all the others. I'm not joking, Jack. Then God sent a plague of frogs, and then another plague of gnats. But Pharaoh still wouldn't let the Israelites go. My father used to say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Excuse me, what was that? Oh, or uh, you know, you can't make Pharaoh do something he doesn't want to do. God had to send nine more plagues before Pharaoh gave in and let the Israelites go. Not gonna happen again, I tell you what. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into freedom.