Joe: Alright, let's talk about Exodus 4! So, what's going on in this chapter?

Bible Expert: Well, Joe, in this chapter, God speaks to Moses and tells him to go back to Egypt to free the Israelites from slavery. God gives Moses a few miraculous signs to prove that he has been sent by God to Pharaoh, and then provides him with his brother Aaron to act as a spokesman for him.

Joe: Whoa, so God gave Moses some crazy signs, what were they?

Bible Expert: Yes, Joe, God gave Moses the power to turn his staff into a snake, to turn his hand leprous and then back to normal, and to turn the Nile River into blood.

Joe: Holy cow! That's wild!

Jamie: I just Googled it, Joe, and it looks like the Nile River turning to blood was actually a real thing!

Joe: No way! That's crazy! So, what did Pharaoh say when he saw these signs?

Bible Expert: Well, Pharaoh was initially unimpressed and hardened his heart against Moses' message, but later, after a series of plagues, Pharaoh finally released the Israelites from slavery.