Joe: Alright, Exodus 27. Let's hear it.
Bible Expert: Sure! This chapter deals with the regulations that God gave to Moses for constructing the tabernacle and the altar. It's very specific in the kind of materials that were to be used and the measurements for the altar and its components.
Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What kind of materials?
Bible Expert: Acacia wood, bronze, and various kinds of fabric.
Joe: Alright, sounds like a nice setup.
Bible Expert: Yes, and God also instructs that an oil lamp be placed on the lampstand and that it always be kept burning.
Joe: What's the deal with the oil?
Bible Expert: Symbolically, it represents God's presence and light, but practically, it was meant to provide light to the tabernacle.
Joe: Interesting.
Bible Expert: God also gives instructions for the courtyard of the tabernacle and the altar of burnt offering. It says that these should be made of bronze and covered in gold.
Joe: Gold? That must have been expensive!
Bible Expert: Yes, it was. But God wanted the tabernacle to be a place of beauty and holiness.
Joe: Wow, so that's it for Exodus 27?
Bible Expert: That's it! God set forth all the regulations for the tabernacle and the altar.