Joe: Alright, so today we have Bible Expert, __(name of expert)__ on the show. We're going to be talking about Exodus 11. So, what's the deal?

Bible Expert: Well, Joe, in verse 1, God tells Moses that he's going to bring one more plague on Egypt, so that Pharaoh will finally let the Israelites go.

Joe: One more plague? How many has he brought before this one?

Jamie (from the side): Joe, let me Google that real quick! (typing sound) ...OK, looks like there have been 10 plagues already.

Joe: Wow, 10 plagues already? What's the 11th one?

Bible Expert: It's the plague of the firstborn. God tells Moses that all the firstborn of Egypt will die.

Joe: Whoa, that's pretty intense. So, what happens next?

Bible Expert: Well, God tells Moses that the Israelites should mark their doorposts with the blood of a slain lamb so that the angel of death will pass over their houses.

Joe: Interesting. So, if they put the blood on their doorposts, the angel of death will pass over them?

Bible Expert: Exactly.

Joe: Wow, that's pretty wild. Anything else?

Bible Expert: Yes, God also tells Moses that the Israelites should take the silver and gold of the Egyptians.

Joe: So, the Israelites get the gold and silver from the Egyptians, and then they're free to go?

Bible Expert: That's right.