Folks, listen here, Jack - Exodus 25 is all about the Lord telling Moses how to make a special place just for Him. My father used to say it was called a tabernacle and it was made out of gold, silver and bronze and it was gonna be a place of worship for all the people. But, c'mon man, the Lord didn't just say 'build me a tabernacle' - He gave Moses specific instructions about how it was gonna look! He said it had to be a perfect cube, made out of acacia wood and covered in gold. He said to make a table and a lampstand, an altar and a basin, an ark for the commandments, and a veil for the entrance. And then - no malarkey - He said to make a special place for Him, the Most Holy Place, and it was gonna be so special that not even Moses could go in there. Here's the deal - it was literally gonna be a permanent symbol of the Lord's presence, and it was gonna be His house forever. So I tell you what, if that's not a miracle, I don't know what is!