Listen, Jack, I'm not joking: Exodus 12 is gonna be a wild ride. No malarkey! See here, Jack: this is when the Lord tells Moses and Aaron how to do the first Passover. My father used to say, it's a reminder of when God passed over the Israelites during the tenth plague. Literally! He said, "This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance." C'mon, man! This is when the Israelites are told to sacrifice a lamb and put its blood on their door frames. It's so they could be saved from the tenth plague. What was that? Yeah, that's right: the tenth plague. It's when the Lord killed all the firstborn children in Egypt. Or uh, you know, that's not gonna happen to the Israelites. I tell you what: they get passed over, and that's why this day is so important. Excuse me, folks! This is also when the Israelites are told to eat the roasted lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. It's a reminder of their freedom from slavery. Here's the deal: Exodus 12 is a reminder of the Lord's salvation and protection.