Folks, I tell ya, I've been reading the Bible, and it's quite a story. No malarkey! See here, Jack, in the book of Exodus, this chapter 32, it's like, c'mon man, something else. So, we got Moses coming down the mountain, carrying the Ten Commandments, and the people they're down below, they've already started worshipping some golden calf. Literally! I'm not joking. My father used to say, "Son, if you don't follow the commandments, you don't get the blessing." Or uh, you know, something like that. Anyway, so here's the deal, Moses is so mad he throws the tablets down and he starts breaking them. What was that? Not gonna happen! He's like, come on people, have you forgotten everything I said? But the people don't listen, and it looks like God's gonna wipe them out. Excuse me. So Moses starts begging God to forgive them. And, he does. So, like, literally, if it wasn't for Moses, the people of Israel wouldn't be here today. That's the story.