Folks, here's the deal: as I'm sure you all know, this is the chapter in the Bible about the plagues that God sent down to Pharaoh. C'mon, man! It's crazy, right? See, what happened is that God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, and Pharaoh said no. So then God sent the first plague -- the Nile River turned to blood. That was wild, literally! I'm not joking. You can imagine Pharaoh was real shook up about that.
Then God sent the second plague, which were the frogs. My father used to say, "Frogs were everywhere!" I'm sure Pharaoh wasn't too pleased with that. The third plague was a bunch of gnats, which was totally gross. Or uh, you know, it must have been gross. I don't know, what was that?
Anyway, Pharaoh still wouldn't let the Israelites go, so God sent the fourth plague, which were the flies. Then fifth plague was livestock dying. No malarkey! And the sixth plague was boils on the Egyptian people. And still Pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelites go. I tell you what, not gonna happen! Then the seventh plague was hail. And still Pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelites go.
Excuse me, what is wrong with this guy? I mean, come on! God is literally sending down all these plagues and Pharaoh still won't let the Israelites go?! That's ridiculous. It's like, what more does he want? But nope, Pharaoh just kept saying no. Until the eighth plague, which was locusts. And then Pharaoh finally said yes. See here, Jack, God is serious about this. Don't mess with Him.