(Batman and Robin enter the scene.)

Batman: So Robin, our mission this time is to summarize the seventh chapter of Exodus.

Robin: Alright, Batman!

Batman: The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron and said, "I have made you like a god to Pharaoh. You are to say to him, 'Let my people go!'"

(The Joker appears, laughing menacingly.)

Joker: Ah, ha, ha! So Moses and Aaron are like gods now?

Robin: Actually, Joker, it is the Lord who is making them like gods to Pharaoh.

Batman: That's right, Robin. And then the Lord said, "I will harden Pharaoh's heart so that he won't let the people go."

Joker: But why?

Batman: So that Pharaoh would know that the Lord is God and that his power is greater than any other.

Robin: And then the Lord sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh with His signs.

Batman: Yes, with the power of God, Moses and Aaron performed many miracles before Pharaoh.

Joker: But Pharaoh still would not let the people go, right?

Robin: That's right, Joker.

Batman: So God sent seven plagues upon Egypt to convince Pharaoh that the Lord is God and that His power surpasses all others.

Joker: Wow, those are some powerful messages!

Robin: Indeed they are, Joker.

Batman: And that's the summary of Exodus Chapter 7.

(Batman and Robin exit the scene.)