Batman: Robin, our mission this time is to take on the mighty plague of frogs that has been ravaging the land of Egypt!
Robin: Holy amphibians, Batman! How are we going to do that?
Batman: Leave it to me, Boy Wonder. I'll use my detective skills to find a way to get rid of these pesky critters.
Joker: Ha ha ha! You won't be able to stop the plague, Batman. It's too powerful for you!
Batman: We'll see about that, Joker! According to Exodus 8, God told Moses to tell Pharaoh that if he refused to let the Israelites go, then God would send a plague of frogs to cover the land of Egypt.
Robin: Wow, that's a lot of frogs!
Catwoman: But don't worry, Batman. Pharaoh did eventually let the Israelites go, and God parted the Red Sea so they could escape. So, in the end, the frogs were gone and everyone was safe!