Hey folks, Norm MacDonald here and I'm back with the summary of Exodus 8. So, God tells Moses and Aaron to tell Pharaoh to let the people of Israel go, but Pharaoh is still not having it. So, God sends a plague of gnats, and Pharaoh's magicians are like, "Okay, this is a sign from God, we got it." But Pharaoh's still not convinced and God sends a bunch of frogs, then a plague of lice, then a plague of flies, and THEN a plague of livestock. But Pharaoh still isn't convinced and God tells Moses and Aaron to tell Pharaoh that he's going to send a hail storm and an unbearable infestation of locusts. Finally, Pharaoh's like, "Okay, okay, you win, I'll let your people go!" And Moses and Aaron are like, "Oh, you mean now?" And Pharaoh's like, "No, not right now, tomorrow." And God's like, "Fine, tomorrow it is." So, there you have it folks, Exodus 8.