Well, folks, in Exodus 9, God really pulled out all the stops! First, he sends a plague of gnats to torment the Egyptians, but Pharaoh was still unmoved! So God sends a plague of flies. Pharaoh still did not relent, so God sends a plague of livestock. Still, Pharaoh refused to give in, so God sends a plague of boils and blisters. Then, God sent a plague of hail, and Pharaoh finally gave up and let the Israelites go. But God wasn't done yet! After the hail, he sent a plague of locusts, and then darkness for three days. Pharaoh still didn't relent, so God finally sent the plague of death to all the firstborn children in Egypt. Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go, and they were saved. That's right, folks--God really pulled out all the stops!