Joker: *In a sinister voice* Tell me, Batman and Robin, what have you learned from the Bible this time?
Batman: We've been studying Exodus 18, Joker. It's about Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, coming to visit him in the wilderness.
Robin: Jethro was a wise man, so he told Moses to appoint judges to help him lead the people. Moses followed his advice and it worked out great.
Joker: Ha! That's not so impressive. Who needs judges?
Batman: Jethro knew that without them, Moses would be overwhelmed. He was right! Moses got more and more tired as the people kept coming to him with their problems.
Robin: But with the help of the judges, Moses was able to keep up with all of the work. He only had to deal with the toughest cases.
Joker: *Laughs* That's your big lesson? You should stick to fighting crime, Batman, and leave the Bible studying to the experts!