Batman: Robin, let's review this chapter in the Bible. This chapter is all about the construction of the Tabernacle.

Robin: Holy construction, Batman! What did the Lord tell Moses?

Batman: The Lord told Moses to build a Tabernacle with frames of acacia wood and to cover it with curtains of fine linen. The curtains were to be adorned with cherubim.

Catwoman: That's some fancy decorating!

Batman: Indeed, Catwoman. The Tabernacle was also to be covered with ten sheets of goat's hair, and the frames of the Tabernacle were to be covered with ram skins dyed red.

Robin: What else, Batman?

Batman: The Lord also instructed Moses to place the ark of the covenant in the holiest part of the Tabernacle. And the Lord commanded that a veil be placed over the entrance of the Tabernacle.

Riddler: Any other instructions?

Batman: Yes, Riddler. The Lord also commanded that boards of acacia wood be placed around the Tabernacle and covered with gold.

Robin: Wow, Batman! That's a lot of details!

Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Lord was very specific in His instructions. Let us all take a moment to appreciate the beauty of His handiwork.