Robin: Holy Moses, Batman! It looks like the Israelites have finished building the Tabernacle according to God's instructions.

Batman: Indeed, Robin. The tabernacle was built with acacia wood and overlaid with gold.

Joker: Gold, you say? That sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to steal something!

Batman: Not so fast, Joker! They also made the priestly garments from fine linen, blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and embroidered them with gold thread and jewels.

Robin: Wow, Batman! It must have been quite an impressive sight.

Batman: It certainly was, Robin. They also made the holy oil and anointing incense for the tabernacle.

Joker: What about me? Is there anything I can steal?

Batman: Not this time, Joker. The Israelites finished all the work, just as God had commanded.