Batman: Out of the land of Egypt, God called unto Moses and said, "Go, and gather the elders of Israel, and tell them I have heard their cries of bondage and bondage to Pharaoh."
Robin: Gosh Batman, the Israelites have been living in servitude for years!
Batman: Indeed Robin, It's time to set them free. Pharaoh refused to let them go, so God brought upon Pharaoh and his people ten plagues.
Joker: Oh this is great! What kind of plagues?
Batman: Plagues of frogs, insects, boils, hail and thunder, locusts, thick darkness, and an angel of death that took the firstborn of every family in Egypt.
Catwoman: That's harsh!
Batman: Pharaoh finally relented, and God's angel of death passed over the Israelites. Pharaoh even gave them gifts as they left.
Riddler: How did they get across the Red Sea?
Robin: God opened up a path that let the Israelites cross on dry land, then He closed it up to drown the pursuing Egyptians.
Penguin: I'd hate to be one of them!
Batman: Indeed. The Israelites were free, and God led them on their journey with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Catwoman: That's incredible!
Batman: Quite so.