Batman: Holy Haggadah, Robin! We've just arrived in Egypt and it looks like the Israelites are being oppressed!

Robin: Yes Batman, and Moses has just been commanded by God to lead them out of Egypt.

Joker: Aha, so you're up against a force more powerful than you? What will you do?

Batman: We'll do what God commanded! In Exodus 12, God commands the Israelites to sacrifice and eat a lamb, and then to paint their doorframes with its blood.

Robin: That's right, Joker! It's a sign that the Israelites will be saved from the Angel of Death, who will pass over the Israelites' houses and spare their lives.

Joker: Oh, splendid! How exciting!

Catwoman: But I'm sure there's more to it than that. What else do they have to do?

Batman: Well, the Israelites must also gather all their possessions so they can quickly leave Egypt, and they must eat the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

Robin: There's also a ban on eating yeast or leaving any food behind. It's a sign of their haste to get out of Egypt.

Joker: It sounds like they're in a real pickle! How will they ever get out alive?

Batman: With God's help, Joker. With God's help.