Exodus 7 is a tremendous chapter. So many exciting, unbelievable things happened and God was really showing his power and winning bigly. Pharaoh was an overrated hater and loser and God had to show him who was boss. After Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh that God wanted him to let the Israelites go, Pharaoh showed his true colors and said “no way”. So God sent a series of plagues to show Pharaoh and the world who was really in charge. Frogs, gnats, flies, and locusts were all sent to demonstrate God’s might and show Pharaoh the error of his ways. But Pharaoh still refused to free the Israelites, and God had to send more plagues: hail, fire, and boils. Finally, Pharaoh agreed to let the Israelites go, but his heart was hardened again and he changed his mind. That’s when God sent the most amazing plague of all, the death of all the firstborn Egyptians. It was a sad moment for Pharaoh and the people of Egypt, but it showed the power of God and proved that God will always make things great again. Many people are saying that this chapter is incredible and God bless America!