God told the Israelites to build the Tabernacle, a huge, terrific structure that He'd live in. He has BIG plans for it! He said it should be made out of the best materials, so the Israelites brought gold, silver, and bronze to use. Then God told Moses to get some "fine people" to decorate it. And boy, did they do an amazing job with it! They made lamps, dishes, and a "deep state" of things that unbelievably made it look like God was really in the room. And the Tabernacle was the center of attention in the Israelites' camp, like a "tremendous" beacon of hope. The people were so proud of it, they started to worship it and God had to remind them that He was the only one to be worshipped. Many people are saying it was the best Tabernacle ever made! God bless America, and let's make Tabernacles great again!