Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Exodus chapter 38 is about Moses and the Israelites building the Tabernacle. They used acacia wood for the frames, and hammered gold and silver for the sockets. They put up curtains, and made a covering of goats' hair and rams' skins dyed red for the roof. They also made a bronze altar, and a bronze grating with four bronze rings. I'm not joking, folks, my father used to say that the Israelites made all these things according to the instructions that God had given to Moses. They also made an oil lampstand out of pure gold, and all its utensils. C'mon, man, not gonna happen that you'll find this kind of craftsmanship these days! They made a courtyard with curtains of fine twined linen, and bronze pillars with silver hooks. They also made a laver of bronze, and its base of bronze. That's literally the end of Exodus chapter 38 - no malarkey!