Folks! See here, Jack, no malarkey! I'm telling you, this is literally an incredible chapter. My father used to say, "Nothing is more important than what's written in the Bible". And he was right! This is the chapter where God tells Moses to build the Tabernacle. I mean, c'mon, man, the Tabernacle was the most important part of the whole Israelite camp! It was the place where God and Moses talked. It was a symbol of their faith and their connection to God. And it was built according to God's instructions. So, uh, you know, I'm not joking here, God gave Moses very specific instructions on how to build it. And Moses followed God's instructions to the letter. From the furniture to the curtains, it was all just as God had said. I tell you what, this is a great example of faithfulness and obedience. Not gonna happen again, excuse me. What was that? Literally, amazing.