Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Chapter 7 of Leviticus is all about what to do with the sacrifices that have been offered up. We're talking about peace offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings, folks. See here, Jack, when someone brings an offering to the priest, there's a specific way it needs to be done. For example, the fat has to be burned up on the altar, literally! Not gonna happen no other way. The priest has to eat the meat in a holy place, and he can't take any of it out of the camp. If it's a peace offering, the priest has to sprinkle some of the blood on the altar, and then burn up the fat. My father used to say, "A sacrifice is only acceptable to God if it's done the right way." I'm not joking, Jack! The priest can't just do whatever he wants. If he does, excuse me, it's not gonna be accepted by the Lord. What was that? Oh, and if any of it is left over, it has to be eaten on the same day. No malarkey!