Peter: Okay, so Leviticus 7. Lois, you wanna take this one?

Lois: Sure, Peter. So, this chapter is all about the regulations regarding animal sacrifices. It says that the priests have to present parts of the sacrifice to the Lord and keep the rest for themselves.

Peter: Ah yes, the good old days when people sacrificed animals to the Lord for their sins. Like when I sacrificed a six-pack of Duff beer for when I said something I shouldn't have during the Super Bowl.

Lois: Peter, that's not what we're talking about.

Peter: Yeah, I know. But it was still a sacrifice.

Lois: Alright. Anyway, the chapter also talks about how the fat of the sacrifice must be burned on the altar and the rest of the animal must be shared among the priests.

Peter: Like when I shared the rest of the Duff beer with my buddies after sacrificing the six-pack.

Lois: Peter! That's not what we're talking about!

Peter: Alright, alright. I get it. So, the chapter also mentions that if someone touches something unclean, then their sacrifice will also be unclean.

Lois: That's right. So, we should all be careful to avoid anything that might render our sacrifices unclean.

Peter: Like when I accidentally stepped in that puddle of mud and had to sacrifice my new shoes.

Lois: Peter, stop!