Peter: Alright, so Leviticus 22 is about how priests should stay holy and keep themselves from being defiled.
Lois: Yeah, and it's all about not eating certain kinds of animals, like pigs and stuff. Also, you can't drink wine or eat any food that's made with blood.
Stewie: Ugh, I hate wine. It always gives me a hangover and makes me watch Twilight movies.
Brian: Yeah, but according to Leviticus, the priests have to stay away from these things so that they can be in God's presence.
Peter: Right, and they can't even touch any dead bodies, unless they want to be defiled.
Lois: And the animals they can eat have to be killed a certain way, like they can't eat one that was killed by another animal, or one that was struck by lightning.
Stewie: So no deep-fried lightning-struck pigs? Drat.
Brian: Yeah, and priests also have to make sure they don't defile themselves in any other way.
Peter: Right, like they can't marry a prostitute or a divorcee.
Lois: Yeah, and they have to stay away from any kind of ritual uncleanliness, like eating something that's been sacrificed to an idol.
Stewie: Does this mean I can't watch reruns of Jersey Shore?
Brian: No, Stewie, that's not what it means.