Peter: Alright, so this chapter of the Bible is Leviticus 25. It's all about how people should live with each other, how to work the land, how to treat each other, and... something about a Jubilee?
Lois: Yeah, something about that. Also, it says in verse 39 that if someone has to sell themselves into slavery, they can't be sold beyond six years.
Stewie: And then they must be set free? Sounds like a plot point from a Disney movie!
Brian: I don't think so, Stewie. It's more like a reminder that all people should be treated with respect, no matter their circumstances.
Peter: Yeah, and then there's something about land inheritance, and then it talks about the Sabbath and how it should be kept holy.
Lois: Oh yeah, and then there's a bunch of guidelines about what you can and can't do on the Sabbath.
Stewie: Yes, but I'm more interested in the Jubilee thing. That sounds like something from the Hunger Games!
Brian: No, Stewie, it's not. The Jubilee is basically a year of rest for the land, and a chance for people to start over with their finances and their relationships.
Peter: Right, so basically, the chapter is all about treating each other with respect, not taking advantage of each other, and taking a break from working the land every once in a while.